Friday, July 6, 2012

Summary of the Week ending July 6, 2012

While Alphabet Soup was on vacation last week, one of the biggest stories of the year that could potentially affect Alphabet Soup families came down.  I'm speaking, of course, about the Supreme Court ruling in favor of the Affordable Care Act.

As expected, every group immediately chimed in with their opinion as to whether this was a good thing or not.    Here's my take away:  The ACA isn't perfect.  I don't think any perfect healthcare option exists.  I do think it's an improvement over the current system.  Do I think this way because I personally benefit from it?  You bet I do.  If you are the parent of an Alphabet Soup Child, you are going to benefit from this act because of one very important change that it brought about.  Your family can no longer be kicked off of insurance because your child has a pre-existing condition.  Your family can no longer be denied insurance because your child has a pre-existing condition.   These two points are so fundamentally crucial to Alphabet Soup parents, I just about want to shout them from the rafters.

Here's what other special needs websites are saying about the ACA:

The Autism Society
Autism Speaks
Easter Seals
The Special Needs Network

What is your takeaway on the Affordable Care Act?  I'd love to discuss it in the comments or on Twitter or Facebook.


Other stories in the news:

One big story making the rounds, especially in the autism social network community was 50 Cents' tweet insulting someone by saying they looked "autistic."  The community was immediately up in arms, with boycotts and hashtags flying, demanding that 50 Cent apologize for the tweet, with autism advocate Holly Robinson Peete leading the charge.  I hope that I never have to see the day when "autism" turns into the new "r" word.

The research department of my hometown hospital Seattle Children's published a study providing evidence that autism is the result of a gene mutation.  The mutation can lead to a variety of disorders, including megalencephaly, cancer, and epilepsy.  

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